Monday, January 25, 2010


I haven't posted anything in a while. It seems that time gets longer and longer between me remembering to post on here. It's not like I don't have any thoughts. I have to many, yet in some ways not enough. I have plenty of thoughts about uncertainties and insecurities... I don't have enough about the right things..

Faith has been something I've struggled with for a while. Now that I'm in college it's in a way even more challenging. Not because of pressure from outside sources, or even being convinced by the enemies arguments. My greatest enemy is my inner me. I get too sidetracked thinking about unknowns and things I have no control of to even focus on my beliefs. I keep a busy schedule, and I'm able to still find time for all things I want to do. Yet, I can't find time for God.. Why is this? What is this struggle? Shouldn't it be simple. Shouldn't I want God more... :/
The hard part is I'm human. The hard part is I don't always or even usually want God. This is something that I think needs to change. I don't know how. But I've got make a turn around. Not only in this area of my life.. But all of it. Everything needs to flip. My priorities need to shift so drastically that I am changed. I can't keep living like this.

Although that this is not as poetic as my earlier posts.. I think it comes to the heart of a matter that we all struggle with. That's giving up our selfishness. I've got a few more things that I can work on too. I'll cover them in later posts. One of which being my pride. I hope that I can at least in this online persona be open enough so that the real me in all of my sin is displayed. As I heard once this past week. We don't win others to Christ by showing how good we are as Christians, but by showing others that we are just as deprived as them.

I notice that this blog has picked up one more follower. I might as well write to keep them entertained.


Amber Noella said...

Thanks for following my blog!
About your post, the fact that you are displaying these feelings just reminds me of how human we all are. I used to think I was the only one feeling this way because I know I need to change too. It is real encouraging, not to see others going through stuff like this too, but to know we have a big enough God to get us through it.
P.S. I really enjoy reading you previous posts!!

Matthew said...

Not a problem. I can at least be polite and reciprocate your actions by following your blog.