Saturday, February 21, 2009

Answers to Prayers

So, I've been doing a lot of praying this past week about something that I really wanted to happen. Only a few know what I'm talking about, but what I was praying for isn't important. The fact that the prayers were answered is. I prayed a lot. Prayer was almost constantly in my heart and on my lips. I also, later, learned that others were praying as well for the same thing to happen. Now, as I was praying, I felt peace...I was concerned, but I was not overwhelmed with worry. I knew that whatever happened would be for the best. Surprisingly, the people I was counting on, put up no to little opposition to what I asked of them to make this event happen. I give God the praise for this, because I'm not good at convincing people to see my way...if it wasn't for God softening the hearts of my parents and others, my attempts to persuade them would have accomplished nothing. Now, this all hasn't come at no cost to myself, but the cost was only money...something easily gained and easily lost, but something many have a hard time giving away including myself...But if something as useless as money is all that God asks of me, how can I refuse when the benefits of this event will be eternal? This whole thing has turned into a beautiful testimony to what God's children can do when we act in unity to do His will.

Now, God has answered my prayers, but why? Why are some prayers answered in the ways we want and others seemingly go unheard? I am convinced that all our prayers are heard. If our prayers are not answered the way we want, it's because God's ways are above our own and our hearts are not in agreement with His own heart. The event I prayed for isn't happening the way I first thought it would. It doesn't involve the same people I thought it would. I am convinced that it is much better. If our hearts and prayers are following God's heart, then how can He deny us the good answers to our prayers? He can't. So, as a reminder to myself, I must be a woman after God's own heart...and then my prayers will always be asking for God's will.